FAQs - Friv® Extra

So, to start, what is Friv?

It's an online gaming site! It's a unique brand, trusted by millions of people and families around the world. It’s also very popular in schools.

When did it all start?

It all began in 2006. The idea came from seeing kids in schools having a bad time on the computers when they were trying to play games at the end of lessons. We knew something honest and better needed to be made, and so Friv was started.

How many users does Friv have?

Friv gets many millions of visits – in fact tens of millions over a full month. Popularity is actually somewhat seasonal, with the end of the academic year and the calendar year being especially busy. We think this may be because teachers allow kids on Friv toward the end of term as a kind of reward for all their hard work!

Where is Friv popular?

The countries that have really taken Friv to heart seem to be Colombia, Mexico, Argentina, Peru and Brazil ...so a lot of Latin American countries. Even countries like Indonesia and Philippines generate more plays than countries with larger populations such as the United States. We like to think that we help kids in poorer countries who maybe can’t afford the more expensive games. Everything on Friv is free, and it always will be!

What changes has Friv seen over the years?

It all started with Flash, which was an amazing technology which developers could use to make games and other interactive content run in web browsers. That was actually pretty special in the 90s! For years and years, right up until 2020, 99% of the games on Friv ran using Flash. In more recent years, to enable games to run on just about any device, we now use a technology called HTML5. Things are a little different (sometimes for the better, other times not) but we’re always working hard to bring the very best games we can, with the minimum possible number of ads - all for free.

How can I make my own web game?

The best place to start is to learn a little about making a simple website. Search on YouTube for HTML tutorials and follow along. You could also try the same thing with Javascript tutorials. Once you becoming familiar with instructing a computer to do what you want it to do, you can start on games programming. We would recommend you look into Pico 8 as a great start. Again, watch some tutorials from the many lovely programmers who are happy to share their knowledge – games devs are typically a very sharing and friendly bunch!

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